Slavery Legislation

By shy123
  • Period: to

    Dates when events happened

  • Slave code

    Slave code
    This slave code was that any runaway slave who has been gone for more than two months and is latter found could be killed.This code was for evey enslaved person,so many had the fear if that they ran away and then were caught could be serverly punished.
  • slave code

    slave code
    This slave code was passed for an attempet to define the social,economic,and physical place of African Americans bt the ruling of white society.It stated that no slave could leave masters property without a ticket or pass and has to be esorted by a white person.
  • Slave Code

    Slave Code
    This slave code stated that slaves that were freed were required to leave the colony.They had a six month period to leave or else they were subjected to reslavement for a period of five years.So they had to leave fast if they didn`t want to be reenslaved.
  • Slave Code

    Slave Code
    This slave code states that slaves and free blacks had to wear a badge on thier left shoulder for identity purposes.The white people wanted to identify ,which were the free slaves so they can keep an eye on them in case they want to get revenge.
  • 3/5 Compromise

    3/5 Compromise
    The 3/5 Compromise was really imprtant,because it setteled how the slaves would be counted in was basicly that five slaves would be counted as three free people.This made the Northern states happy to and this way the Southern states didn`t have a higher advantage over representation.It was passed by Congress to make the Southern and Northern states happy.
  • Most Northern States Ban slavery

    Most Northern States Ban slavery
    AT this time Northern states passed a law to Congress saying that in thier state they were banning Slavery.This was important,because the Northern states wanted the other states to know that in thier state slavery was banned.Some of the states were Conneticut,Rhode Island,New York,and New Jersey.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was really improtant,because it settled a argument between the North and the South.The problem was that they didn`t want Missouri to join the union,because it wanted to join as a slave state and they were equal between the free and slave states.They then made the compromise to let main join the union as a free state and then Missouri could join as a slave state.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act was really important,becuse it stated that any runaway slave had to be returned to thier masters.Even if the slaves were in free states.The law was passed by the United States Congress.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    This compromise was really important,because it solved an agruement between the North and the South states.This was that Congress passed a series of five seperate bills contianing the five main pionts of Clay`s original plan.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    This act was really important,because the Northerners protested strongly about Douglas`s plan to repeal the Missouri Compromise.They did it,because they said that it would allow slavery into the areas that had been free for more than thirty years.However the Southerners provided soild support for the bill.Bot with the support of the Northern Democartes and the President Pierce,Congress passed the Kansas Nebraska Act.