Missouri Compromise
The missouri Compromise was an issue between north and south to determine whether or not to have slavery in the new state of missouri. Tallmadge of New York proposed that no more slaves be brought into missouri, and that the children of slaves already there will be freed at the age of 25. Senator William Pinkney of Maryland argues that states already in the union had joined without any conditions. -
Missouri Compromise
CONTIUNED: If Congress, he declared, had the right to set conditions for new states, then these new states would not be equal to the old ones. This issue was resolved by a two-part compromise that stated that Missouri had the right to join the union as a slave state and Maine would simultaneously be admitted to statehood. -
dred scott case
the dred scott caase was he was born in 1799 and later when his family moved he moved with them to Misssouri. After arriving in St. Louis they sold Dred to an army doctor stationed just south of that city. Dred was with the doctor for the next 12 years. In 1843 the doctor died and his widow, and Dred and his family sent out to work for other people. They lived and worked but had no voice or rights in the government. This ruling allso applied to free blacks. -
cont. Dred Scott Case
The second part of the decision was whether the Missouri Compromise was even legal.The supreme court declared the Missouri Compromise void. Mrs. Emerson gave Scotts back to the Blow family. They in turn gave the Scott family freedom. In conclusion this is the Dred Scott Case. -
Nat Turners Rebellion
The Nat Turners Rebellion was to call out the militia and about 3000 troops were sent to capture Nat Turner and his followers. Many slaves were captured and tried in court for participating in this rebellion. A few slaves that were captured were later found inocent and set free, but many were found guilty and executed. Nat Turner himself was jailed, tried in court, and executed by hanging for participating in the rebellion. This was the Nat Turners Rebellion. -
Compromise Of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 was when California joined the union as a free state, and south got the fugitive slave law. Texas got $10 and paid there dept to Mexico. Also in the Compromise of 1850 slave trading in Washington D.C. was out lawed but slavery was still allowed in Washington D.C., but runaway slaves and free people ran away or moved to Canada and the underground railroad was also used more in this compromise to move those free or runaway slaves to Canada. -
Underground Railroad
The underground railroad was a secred route for slaves to get from the south which is all slaves states into canada. Harriet Tubman was a famous abolitionist and was a runaway slave that returned to the south 19 to 20 times to help slaves runaway to freedom on the underground railroad. Thomas Garret was another famous abolitionist that helped out of the underground railroad as a station master that freed around 2,700 slaves in a fourty year term as a station master. -
contiuned, Kansas Nebraska Act
The Kansas Nebraska act ended the 36' 30' line that stated north was free and south was slaves. President Franklin Pierce was a pro slavery supporter in this act, however anti-slavery out numbered pro slavery settlers. At the end of this act which was January 29,1861 Kansas joined the Union as a free state. -
cont. attack on fort sumter
In this battle the union ships came from the main ship channel but with the attack going on they did not attempt to make it to the for because the ships are not war ships they are just supply ships. The supply ships bring in goods like food, ammo, and things like that for the soldiers. -
Attck on fort sumter
The attack on fort sumter is a battle that resolved in South Carolina seceding from the union. On April 12, 1861 the confederacy attacked Fort Sumter. Union president Abraham Lincoln sent supplies to the fort. Fort Sumter was a fort that was located in a harbor near the caolina coast. After the supply ships arrived the confederacy didn't try to get to the fort anymore. In the attack on fort Sumter noone got injured or killed it was just a battle to see if South Carolina Seceded from the union. -
Kansas Nebraska Act
On May 30,1854 congress passed the Kansas Nebraska act that slloerf proplr in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves weather or not to allow slavery in either on of these states. A huge rush of pro slavery settlers and Anti-slavery settlers moved into Kansas which led to violence between the two groups of settlers. Violence eventually broke out, with the anti-slavery forced led by John Brown. The territory soon got the nickname "bleeding Kansas" as the death toll rose.