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Underground Railroad
There is no official start date of the Underground Railroad. We know it was used the most the 10 years before the Civil War, but slaves had been running away well before the Fugitive Slave Act was passed. Isaac T. Hopper, a Quaker, began a system for hiding and aiding runaway slaves in 1787. This is what started the Underground Railroad. March 20th is the first day of spring, and spring was the safest time of the year to escape, therefore March 20, 1787 will be the start date. -
Period: to
Underground Railroad
The underground railroad is a secret tail from house to house to guide the slve safely to freedom in the northern Untied States and into Canada. The slaves and the conductors used many differnet code words and phrase to help relay messages during the journey north. Most of the slaves that used the underground railroad were from the upper south because they werecloser to the north. The slaves started their journy in early spring and travled at night. -
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Underground Railroad
Gerrit Smith along with Fredrick Douglass, was belevied to be involved in the preporation of the attack on harpers ferry. Gerrit Smith suffered a psychological break down after the failed harpers ferry attempt. William Lloyd Garison Imprisoned for critizing a slave merchant. John Brown but to death because he used violence to try to stop slavery. Thomas Garret the famous abolistonist provided work for freedmen in his store. William Lloyd Garrison Founder of the anti-slavery Newspaper, -
Missiouri Compromise
Henry Clay Passed the Missiouri Compromise in 1820. There is a Imaginary line called the 36,30 line. The line was made to give the south a chance to have slaves but to the north of the 36,30 line is all free states. The slave holders later took there slaves into the north because slaves are property to the slaveholder which means you can't take the right away to the slaveholder a to have slaves in the north. -
William Lloyd Garrison
William Lloyd Garrison was released from jail in June of 1830. William wrote the liberator (newspaper) then in 1832 William formed the New England Anti-Slavery Society. Benjiman Lundy, the quaker anti-slavery editor of the genius of Universal Emancipation. -
Nat Turner Rebelion
In August 22, 1831 was the date that the rebelion occured. Nat Turner led 70 slaves in an uprising in South Hampton Country, Virgina in a 48 hour period and killed 57 whites. Before this rebelion Nat was a slave on the Travis Plantation. Nat was a young religous man. Then Nat Turner him self was jailed, tried in court, found guilty, and executed by hanging. -
Compromise of 1850
Millard Fillmore was president during the comprimise of 1850. Henry Clay, Stephen Douglass, John Calhoun and Derril Webster were the authers of the compromise. The compromise made to balance intrests between north and the south. Washington D.C. no longer traded slaves. Fugitive slave act. California became a free state. -
Compromise of 1850
Utah and New Mexico free or slave state. Established in 1850. The 36,30 line has nothing to do with Missiouri and Maine. -
Kansas Nebraska Act
Stephen Douglas support the act so much becuase he wanted to run for president and wanted the south to support him.Stephen Douglass senator of Illinoius, had two confliciting ambitions. First, he wanted chicago to benifit from the development of the west. Douglass also wanted to be the President. His Kansas-Nebraaska Act, Introduced in the United States senate in January 1854, proclaimes that the people in a territory should decide. The act went against the southerns. -
Bleeding Kansas
First blood flows on 1856 of May, 21. The violence began when a group of southerners, with the support of a proslavery federal marshal looted newspaper offices and homes in Lawrence, Kansas, a center of free soiler activity. Proslavery looters stirred a swift responce from connecticut. Born and raised John Brown, a stern evangelical who belevied that he was a choosen insturmenst of god. -
Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott was a slave of the blooms family. He was then sold to a army doctor. Then after that he was sold to a Guy and after that he died. so the wife got Dred and his family, and hired them out to different people and she got payed for it. He had enough. He went to the supreme court and wanted to be freed because he was living in a free state but was still property of whom ever bought them. Dred was then sold back to the Bloom family and the family freed them. Now Dred and family, were free. -
Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter was the union fort that was captured by the confederete. Boregarde was the guy that led the confederate to Fort Sumter and take over the fort. That was the cause of the civil war. Linoln was sending supplys to the fort and notifyed the governar and told him there is supplys going to Fort Sumter. So Boregaurd went and attacked the fort and then there was gun batterys which are building that have artilery and ammo. The gun batterys had confederate soilders in them watching for ships. -
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William Lloyd Garrison
William Lloyd Garrison released from prison in June 1830, Garrison period in prison for being against slavery. William wrote the liberator (newspaper) then in 1832 Garrison formed the New England Anti-Slavery society. Benjiman lundy, the quaker anti-slavery editor of the genius of universal emancipation. One article, where Garrison's critisized a merchant involved in the slave trade, resolted in him being imprisoned for libel.