Period: to
Underground Railroad
There is not a specific date for the Underground Railroad, but as early as 1787 slaves were running away to freedom. March Earily 1830's is when the underground railroad started up. The Slave trade was banned in 1808’s. There were many different parts that slaves have to do like maids, cook, planters etc. The 21st is the first day of spring, and we know slaves ran away during the spring and summer months. As for the end date, on December 6, the 13th Amendment went into effect. -
Missouri Compromise
On March 3,1820 Congressed passed the Missouri compromise. It was good and bad for our country. The compromise kept balance in the country. That’s how 36’ 30’ was made to keep it balance. There was 12 free and 12 slave state. The north likes the compromise because they got more land. The south really did not get a lot from the compromise the only thing that they got was Missouri a slave state. The south did not agree with the compromise. -
David Walker
David was a free black man that was an abolitionist. David was born in Wimtoshen North Carolina.Walker was born free because he inherited from his mother. David Walker wrote Walker’s Appeal. This appeal is saying to stand up against your owner and fight for your freedom if you can get your freedom by working for it. -
Nat Turner’s Rebellion
On August 22-23, 1831 in Virginia at South Ampton Nat Turner rebellion happen. Nat Turner was a leader that lead 60-70 slaves to rebellion. Nat Turner and his group killed about 60 plantation plus their families. Virginia militia troops were sent to find Nat Turner. Nat Turner was put into jail, tried in court, was found guilty and hanged because of what he has done. -
Nat Turner Rebellion part 2
Because of this happening Slaves cannot vote, buy or sell goods, no guns , cannot have property, and can't meet with more than 5 people in a group. This is called the Black codes. Even some slaves got killed because they were so scared. -
Compromise of 1850
Compromise of 1850 happen January 29, 1850. This compromise is Fugitive Slave Act. The Fugitive slave act is when a runaway slave or a free slave is put in the south and have to work. No matter is your free or not you're in danger no one was safe. The south got the slaves back even if they aren't slaves and free. The north got California as a free state and no trading of slaves in the nation's capital of Washington D.C. This compromise is both good and bad for our country. -
Kansas Nebraska Act
May 30, !852 was when Kansas Nebraska Act was passed by Congress. By the Kansas Nebraska act took away the 36’ 30’ line. This Act is saying Kansas and Nebraska can pick if they wanted to be free or slave. Stephen Douglas wanted them to become states to make Chogia a big train place but to make this happen they had to become states.With this new act starting out made a lot of big problems in Kansas. Like Pro-slavery would come over to vote then leave again. -
Bleding Kansas
Bleeding Kansas started May 1 1855. The first act of violence was in lawrence Kansas and this was proslavery. They burnt down a newspaper building because it was antislavery. The 2nd act of violence happen when John Brown and his sons called out slave owners at Pottawatomie Creek. John Brown did this because he was against slavery. -
Dred Scott Case
Dred scott was a slave that lived in a free land. He counted himself free for leaving in a free state. Dred Scott when to count for years to find out that Scott would not be free. After fighting for year someone bought Scott and let him free. 9 months latter Dred Scott died. March of 1857 when the Supreme Court said the Missouri compromise was wrong that congress can stop slavery from going anywhere -
The Raid on Harpers Ferry
John Brown was a radical abolitionist who believed in violence. He wanted the slaves to rise up on his side and go after their owners. John Brown was against slavery. John Brown was the reason for bleeding kansas happen. Harpers Ferry, Virginia is where the raid was. The US sent our troops down to get him. After John troop got killed John gave up and got put into the jail John Brown was put into court found guilty and got hunged. -
Presidential Election of 1860
The people that ran for this election was Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, John Breckinridge, and John Bell. Abraham was a republican and Stephen and John are Democrats and John is a Constitutional union. This election happen in 1860. The president that won this election was Lincoln. He got all of the norther states votes and no souther votes. Abraham won that why but he had no plan to end slavery but he did