Slavery and the event leading up to the Civil War

  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    This act was introduced by a man named Stephen Douglas. It was introduced to see wether Kansas ans Nebraska would be free or slave states. This act proclaimed that slavery would be decided of the people of the state or territory. Southerners supported this act becasue it would enable them to become slave states. And the northerners hated the fact that this came up because they didnt want to be slave states.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    Clinton WilliamsHistory 910/22/12Missouri compromise It was an argument about whether or not slave shout be allowed in Missouri. They had to decide because southerners had already moved slaves into Missouri. This was an agreement between the north and south that allowed the north to be the 24 state in 1821. And when the government made Missouri a slave state they said they wouldn’t allow any more states north of Missouri to be slave states.
  • Nat Turners Rebellion

    Nat Turners Rebellion
    Nat Turners Rebellion was a group of about 60 or 70 slaves that wanted to act out against plantation owners. They statred in Virgina and headed around the country killing slave and plantation owners along with there families. When this rebellion didnt stop there was a gorup militia men sent after them. When they were finally caughed some were found guilty and others were not. And after death had came to Nat Turner black people in other states were being accused for the rebelion.
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 was created to solve the problems between the north and south. In this compromise there were five different section. First stated that California could join the union as a free state, then what to do with the land won in the Mexican American war, then that slave trade was no longer allowed in waching, and then the fight over the border of Texas was resolved, and last was the Fugitvie Slave Act this stated that any escaped slave had to be returned to its owner.
  • Dred Scott case

    Dred Scott case
    The Dred scott case was about an enslaved african american who tried to sue his owner. The courts had a hard time believing this. They had to decide wether Dred scott was even a citizen and if he was allowed to sue. They had a few different trials but Dred had failed. But in the end when he was returned to his original slave owners he and his wife and children were set free.
  • Presidential Election of 1860

    Presidential Election of 1860
    In this elevtion the Northern Republican party got enought votes to elect Abraham Lincol without any southern votes. This made the southerners mad and stated the civil war. It was also about an act of supporting the slavery expansion and states started to succede from the union because of this.
  • attack on fort sunter

    attack on fort sunter
    It was a fight between the norht and the south. It was a two day long firing session in which the time period the troops you to leave the fort. This stated because of Lincols inogeration and because of the slavery expansion.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    This was a very timid time in history. It was a fight of whether or not to allow slavery in what used to be kansas.
  • Underground rail road

    Underground rail road
    This wasnt actually an underground railroad. This was a system of secret tunnels and housed and trails that helped escaped slaves get to freedom. They would hide in hidden rooms in peoples homes and barnes and in the woods.
  • abolishionist

    My abolishinest was Harriet Tubman and she was very well know for helping on the underground railroad. She helped escape slaves form the plantation and lead them to safety. She helped alot of slaves hide and stay safe.