Slavery and States' Rights

  • Period: to


  • Kansas-Nabraska act

    Kansas-Nabraska act
    This act made Kansas and Nabraska choose sides between the unoin and the confederetecy.
  • The Dred Scoot Decision

    The Dred Scoot Decision
    The event that decided if Dred Scott were to be free or not.
  • Texas Chooses to Break off from the U.S.

    Texas Chooses to Break off from the U.S.
    Texas Holds the debate wiether or not to break off from the U.S.
  • Texas joins the confedericy.

    Texas joins the confedericy.
    Texas Breaks offrom the union.
  • Lincoiln arrives in Washington D.C.

    Lincoiln arrives in Washington D.C.
    Loicoln arrives by train.
  • They Proposed an amendment to allow slavery in the U.S.

    They Proposed an amendment to allow slavery in the U.S.
    The ammendment to allow slavery is proposed.