Slavery and Events Leading up to the Civil War

By kdecker
  • Compromise of 1820( Missouri Compromise)

    Compromise of 1820( Missouri Compromise)
    Missouri Compromise was writtne by a man named Henry Clay. It was brought up to try and help resolve the dispute between the North and South over the question of slavery in the new territory. The compromise stated that the new state of Missouri would be admitted to the Union as a slave state, while, to keep the power in the senate equal, the state of Maine would be admitted to the Union as a free state.
  • Missouri Comprmise Continued

    Missouri Comprmise Continued
    The compromise also Stated that all states, besides Missouri, north of the 36' 30' line would be free, whie south of it would be slave territory.
  • Willoam Garrison continued

    Willoam Garrison continued
    of his newspaper after the Thirteenth amendment was passed in December of 1865. Garrison spent his last fourteen year campaining for womens sufferage, pacifism, and temperance.
  • William Lloyd Garrison

    William Lloyd Garrison
    Garrison was an abolitionist who "fought" slavery in his publishing of his own newspaper "The Liborator." Before Garrison published this paper he was co-editor of Benjamin Lundy's newspaper "Genius of Universal Emancipation." Garrison's newspaper was his way of helping during the Abolitionist Movement. This is because his paper critisized and sort of fought proslavery activists and slave holders in the articles he wrote which explained the negative outcomes of slavery. He stopped the publication
  • Nat Turners Rebellion

    Nat Turners Rebellion
    nat Turners Rebellion was started by Nat Turner a Slave minister living on the Travis Plantation. He led agroup of 60 or 70 slaves to kill many plantation owners and theie families starting with the Travis'. They killed about 60 plantation owners and their families. 3,000 troops were sent to capture Travis and his group of slaves , which were captured and found guilty. All the captured were executed or hung like Nat Turner.
  • Nat Turners Rebellion continued

    Nat Turners Rebellion continued
    Many other slaves were said to have participated in the rebellion and were executed or badly beaten to scare the other slaves into not starting another rebellion.
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad
  • dred scott continued

    dred scott continued
    property. the supreme court als o decided that the Compromise of 1820 was void because slaves were considered property and the constitution protectes private property owners. Dred Scott lost the law suits, and in 1857 Mrs. Emerson gave the Scotts back to the Blow family. The Blow family then gave the Scotts their freedom. Dred dieda free man.
  • Dred Scott case

    Dred Scott case
    Dred Scott was a black slave who lived on a plantation south of ST. Louis owned by the Emerson family. After going with his owner Mr. Emerson to Illinois and Wisconsin, which were free territories, Mr. Emerson died, and Dred was hired out to work for other people by Mrs. Emerson. Dred after three years tried to sue the Emersons' for his freedom in different three law suits. The Supreme Court after getting dreds case ruled that all blacks had no voice in the government, and were considered
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 , like the compromise of 1820, was writtne by Henry Clay, and was also a dispute over slavery in the new territories. The compromise was set up after the United states obtained the territory through the Mexican cecession. To resolve the North and Souths dispute over slavery in the new Western territory the compromise stated that California would be admitted in to the Union as a free state, giving the North more power in the senate.
  • Compromise of 1850 continued

    Compromise of 1850 continued
    It also stated that all runamway slaves in the North would have to be returned.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    The Kansas- Nebraska Act was brought up by Stephen Douglass. This act got rid of the Misouri Compromise along with the 36'30' line. The Kansas Nebraska Act allowed all the people in teh Kansas and Nebraska Territories to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery in their territories. The act was highly supported by Southern slaves owners, and highly disliked by antislavery Northerners.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act Continued

    Kansas Nebraska Act Continued
    Highly disliked by antislavery people. During this act Kansas was known as Bleeding Kansas for all the violence including the attacks by antislavery forces led by John Brown. President Franklin Pierce supported proslavery so he sent troops into Kansas to stop the violence. Finally in 1861 on January 29 Kansas was admitted to the Union as a free state three months before the beginning of the Civil War.
  • Presidential election of 1860

    Presidential election of 1860
    The election of 1860 was between four canidates, Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglass, John Breckinridge, and John Bell. Lincoln was a republican, the first to become president, who didn't want slavery to be abolished because it was the souths main economy,but also didn't want it to expand. Douglass was a democrat who was personally against slavery, but felt that it was up to the states whether or not they should have slavery. Breckinridge on the other had was a democrat that was strongly for the
  • Election of 1860 continued

    Election of 1860 continued
    expantion of slavery, and he was even a slave holder. John Bell was a canidate from the Constitutional Union Party who was for slavery but he didn't neccessarily want it to expand. Abraham Lincoln had 180 votes winning the election holding all Northern states, and not one southern state. Douglass held 12 votes holding only Missouri, and southern New Jersey. Breckinridge had 72 votes holding the southern states with Maryland and Delaware. finally Bell held the border states with 39 votes.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    The attack on Fort Sumter was the event that started the Civil War after the State of South Carolina seceded from the Union. Fort Sumter was a Union fort that was on an island in the middle of Charelston harbor, South Carolina. After south Carolina seceded Lincoln sent the fort supplies to protect itself. The Confederacy fired on Sumter in the morning of April 12, 1861. No one at the Attack on Fort Sumter was killed. After the attack the Union supply ships arrived with out an attempt to rescue.