Slavery: 1820-1860

  • Missouri Compromise (1820)

    The Missouri Comprimise bans slavery to the north of its border. Main becomes a free union state, yet Missouri is a slave state.
  • Period: to

    Slavery from 1820-1860

  • South Carolina (1820)

    In 1820, penalties were set in place for producing anything written that was against slavery. Collars were to be worn by slaves, this law passed would later affect blacks in the city.
  • Liberia (1822)

    Liberia is founded for slaves on the run away from America.
  • Pennsylvania (1826)

    An anti-kidnapping law is set in place in Pennsylvania to protect slaves. (1826)
  • Texas (1827)

    A requirement in Texas is that one tenth of each person's slaves must be freed. Later, individual people are allowed to sell slaves.
  • Tennessee (1827)

    There is an official ban on the slave trade in Tennesee (1827).
  • Mexico

    Mexico makes slavery illegal, and slave refugees from America seek protection there.
  • Georgia (1842)

    Georgia controversially states that it will not recognize blacks as American citizens.
  • North Carolina (1844)

    North Carolina denies freedom to blacks.
  • Slave population (1860)

    The slave population in America is around 4 million.
  • Abraham Lincoln (1860)

    Abraham Lincoln is elected persident of the United states of America in 1860. He freed all slaves in the United States with the Emancipation Proclamation.