First slaving expedition by John Hawkins
Africans carry Africans to the Americas
Birth of John Newton
birth of William Cowper
Birth of Granville Sharp
Birth of Toussaint Louverture
Birth of Olaudah Equiano
Birth of William Wilberforce
Birth of Thomas Clarkson
Birth of Elizabeth Heyrick
Granville Sharp won an historic ruling in the Somerset case which held that no slave could be forcibly removed from Britain
Slavery made illegal in Scotland.
Thomas Clarkson, publishes A Summary View of the Slave Trade and of the Probable Consequences of its Abolition
John Newton publishes Thoughts upon the African Slave Trade
Olaudah Equiano publishes The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa the African
The play The Benevolent Planters is published.
The play The Benevolent Planters is published.