Where it started and began
The slave trade started in the 15th century.The Europeans started to take small amount like 1650 people.Put them on these ships. -
What happens when slaves got sick
When one of the slaves where sick.The Europeans/White people tossed them overboard.In to the ocean. -
What happened
These ships were so compacted that the slaves had no choice but to stand right next to each other and had no room to move. -
What it does
It is making people turn against each other because they are not giving people the freedom to speak and be who they want to be. -
Is it Savage or Primitive.
The Slave trade was Savage because the whites were being violent to the blacks by making them do this and that and if they didn't,they were whipped and kicked and they were beat.The whites didn't care because in their eyes they saw cash and trade. -
Why should we care
We should care because if we try to start this again think of how many lives we will be taking.Think of how many families will be separated.We don't want to be the evil people that we were back then.Take what they love.