Billy Pilgrim Was Born
Ilium, New York. He was the only child of a barber in the area. He was a funny-looking child, who would grow to look like a tall and weak bottle of Coca-Cola. -
Billy Joined the regiment.
December of 1944, during the Battle of the Bulge, while they were being destroyed by the Germans, Billy Joined the regiment. -
Billy First become Unstuck in time.
During the Second World War Billy was a
chaplain's assistant in the war. He was no exception and was powerless when it came to harming the enemy or helping
his "friends". The Tralfamadorians had nothing to do with this period in his life, but after he met the Tralfamadorians, he understood what actually happened. This shows how and when Billy first started to lose his mind, and struggle with the memory of the war. It was the beginning of his experience. -
Billy Gets captured by the Germans
The two scouts who were originally with Roland Weary, left Weary because of Billy. They were tired of waiting around for them. Roland Weary is severely beating Billy because it was his fault they got left behind. He was just about to break his spine, when they get discovered by Germans. The Germans capture them and take them to a POW camp, where Billy and Roland meet the other POWs. The POWs are loaded onto a series of box cars headed for Dresden. -
Billy gets and honorable discharge.
Billy is honorably discharged from the military, returns to Ilium, and marries the daughter of the founder of the Ilium School of Optometry. -
Dresden Bombing
The stockyards with all the fence posts gone, with roofs and windows were gone too. There we logs lying around. These were people who had been caught in the firestorm. Wood had been consumed, and the stones had crashed down. -
Bill was kidnapped by the Tralfamadorians
Billy was kidnapped the day of his daughters wedding. The saucer was one hundred feet in diameter, with portholes around its rim. The light from the portholes was a pulsing purple, and made a owl noise. He was taken to a zoo, and was displayed naked in a clear cage like area, with a former earthling movie star named Montana Wildhack. -
Billy goes back to Tralfamadore
He learns that the Tralfamadorians can see time, and don't believe in free will, as they see and know everything that will ever happen in their lives. The Tralfamadorians also explain their literature, and how there is no explanation for the way things happen or why they happen. There is no beginning, no middle, no end, and especially no reason. -
Plane Crash
Billy is involved in a plane crash in Vermont that kills everyone on board except him.The plane crashed on top of Sugarbush Mountain. -
Plane Crash
Billy is involved in a plane crash in Vermont that killed everyone on board except him. He was with group of optometrists, going from Ilium to an international convention of optometrists in Montreal.The plane crashed on top of Sugarbush Mountain, in Vermont. -
Billy Dies...
Billy is killed by "Lazzaro," for revenge of Weary's death. After his speaking tour of Chicago about the Tralfamadorians and the true nature of time, Billy gets sniped by a high-powered laser rifle.