Skills TL

  • Text Tool

    I used this tool to add titles to the introduction of my film.
  • Period: to 2017 BCE

    Razor Tool

    I used this tool to create footage to create a liner sequence for my title sequence
  • Paintbrush tool A2

    I used this tool in After Effects to create outlines of the dancers to emphasize their movements
  • Photoshop A2

    Used the text tool to add the album title and the track list. I was also able to add effects to the album title so it could be more eye catching.
  • Wix website

    I used the colour palette so I can match the colour scheme that was used in the music video
  • Razor tool

    I used this tool to create a non linear sequence because music videos use base track editing. I used this to cut jump cuts between two base tracks.
  • Camera

    I used the camera to shoot my artist for the album cover
  • Photoshop

    I created different layers for my album cover so I was able to change different items on my digipak without affecting the other items like the text, the image or the colour background.
  • Marking tool

    I used this tool to match the lyrics of the song to the artist lip syncing. Also, I used it to match the pace of the editing with the beats of the song.
  • Colourgrading

    This was used to increase the brightness of some of the footage to match the genre of the song.
  • Behind the Scene videos

    I had combined the four videos for the intro