Period: to
Skills Development
Bait Tutorial
- Final Cut Pro basics
- How to put clips together
- An idea of how to put clips together to make sense
Shot-by-shot remake
- Incorporating text into film (with transitions)
- Re-arranging clips of our own
Match cut prelim
- Incorporating what we know about match cut editing into our own short clip idea
- Making match cuts humerous by playing around with sound in comparison to the match cut shots
- First proper use of foley sounds
- Making key decisions with the organization of clips
- Making sure the soundtrack and video work well together
- Using foley sounds to a more advanced standard
Lip Sync Tutorial
- Arranging the clips that are from different angles so that the video looks good and is in snc with the music
- Editing on the beat
Music video remake
- Incorporating the lip sync tutorial skills but onto our own remake of a Rizzle Kicks video
- Cutting clips
Music Video
- Using appropriate filters
- Applying effective basetracking techniques
- Editing on the beat
- Slow motion/ speed up
- Transitions (fade in fade out)
- Text and titles
- Clip ordering
- getting used to the idea of layers
- changing opacity
- adjusting colour curves for a more professional look to a photo
- colour picking
- magic wand tool
- polygon/hexagon tool