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  • 1950

    skateboarding started first in the 1950s, surfers got the idea to surf on the streets. we don't know yet who made the first board. the old-school skatersboarders started out with wooden boxes or decks with roller skated with wheels strapped on
  • 1970s

    the 70s was a huge boost to skaterboarding because of freestyling
  • 1980s

    during the 1980s clothing began to expand, music and the culture.
  • 1990s

    the first public skate park was made in the mid 90s in New York City.
  • 2000s

    since 2000s, skateboarding has been more mainstream. people put more money in to it, there is now more skaterparks, better skateboards and more skateboarding companies support the skaters.
  • todays skaterboarding

    todays skaterboarding
    in todays skaterboarding you can attend a school in NYC, and get one on one personal skaterboarding lessons.
    there is even talks about skaterboarding becoming an olympic sport.
    skaterboarding in new york has never been slept on.