Chapter 1 pages 1-13
The"kid" criminal is introduced, along with the main character, and his job. -
Chapters two and three, pages 13-42
The main character speaks of his job, travels to a town on the Arizona/Mexico border where he meets the Kid, who tells him how he's ended up in prisons with the hobby of breaking out of every prison he's put into. The main character, Chris Pollard, goes back to his hometown in Wisconsin, where he shows to us that he is filthy stinking rich. -
pages 42-100
We learn that Chris created the job of prison anyalisis himself inherited his estate and fortune from his late father. We also learn that Chris is not actually a he, but a male impersonater. She has problems with a male neighbor, Avery, whom she dated in high school. -
pages 100-165
The day before the holiday party they are putting on, Chris finds a lump in her breast. Her breasts are removed and her hair falls out. she covers it up with anything she can, untill her friends persuade her not to. The kid's dog and his long-lost sister move in next door. -
Chris does her last professional assignment where she once again meets the Kid, who hints at going to meet his siter and dog at her neighbor's house.