1900 BCE
The Story Begins 1900 B.C.E: Abraham
A new kind of relationship was developed between man and God when God gave Abram a new name: Abraham. This served as an opening for the Hebrew people to become closer to God. In Abraham's late life, he and his wife Sarah gave birth to Isaac. Then Isaac went on to have children. -
1500 BCE
Slavery in Egypt
The Israelites suffered slavery in Egypt. -
1290 BCE
The Story of Moses
Moses was called to free the Israelites from slavery, so that's what he did. God also reveals His name to Moses on Mount Sinai. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and said they were the laws for all people. -
1000 BCE
The Formation of the Kingdom of Israel
Saul was the first King, followed by David who would be the most mighty of all Kings. Solomon built the Temple in the city of Jerusalem. After Solomon deceased, the Kingdom split apart into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. -
721 BCE
The Babylonian Exile
The Northern Kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Assyrians in 721 B.C.E. Then in 597 B.C.E, The Southern Kingdom of Judah was destroyed by the Babylonians, including the Temple. Thousands were captured. -
538 BCE
The Rebuilding of the Temple
The Persians defeated the Babylonians and the exiles were allowed to return back to Jerusalem. From here on out, the people were referred to as Jews.