
Six Day War

  • Israelis Introduction

    Israelis Introduction
    278 Israelis killed in Palestinian fedayeen attacks.
  • Defense Pact

    Egypt and Syria sign mutual defense pact.
  • U.N. Peacekeepers

    Egypt moves into Sinai, demands U.N. peacekeepers withdraw.
  • Introduction to Six Day War

    Introduction to Six Day War
    Specifically, the war stemmed from Egypt's decision to expel United Nations troops from the Sinai peninsula and blockade Israel's port of Eilat, under international law a casus belli, or act of war, in addition to belligerent Arab threats to destroy Israel. Much of the above could be traced to Soviet meddling and misinformation.
  • Wipe Israel

    "Our goal is clear - to wipe Israel off the map!"
  • Day 1 of War

    Day 1 of War
    First day of fighting. Israel destroys most of Egyptian air force. Jordan, Syria and Iraq attack Israel.
  • Day 2 of War

    Second day of fighting. Fighting continues on all fronts.
  • Day 3 of War

    Day 3 of War
    Third day of fighting. Jerusalem taken. Blockade of Straits of Tiran broken.
  • Day 4 of War

    Fourth day of fighting. Israel consolidates hold on West Bank.
  • Day 5 of War

    Day 5 of War
    Fifth day of fighting. Israel and Syria in heavy fighting on the Golan.
  • Day 6 of War

    Sixth day of fighting. Israel gains control of the Golan Heights.
  • After The War

    After The War
    Arab leaders at Khartoum Conference say no to peace.
  • U.N. Resolution 242

    U.N. Resolution 242 creates land for peace paradigm.