The Beginning of the Six Day War...
Before there were numerous minor border clashes between Isarel and its Arab neighbors.
On June 5, 1967 the six day war begun. -
The disruption..
Isarel jets attack and destroy the air forces of Egypt,Syria and Jordan.
They also capture more than 500 tanks and 70 percent of all other egyptian, Syrian, and Jordanian military equipment. -
How did it all started?
warThe main cause of the six day war was because of a dramatic increase in tension between Israel and its Arab neighbors during the mid 1960's. -
What occurred during the six day war?
SixDayWarDuring the six day war, there were approximatly 879 casualties on the victor side, with approximately 16,850 casualties for the opposition. About 4,500 people were injured on the victor sude and 11,700 were injured for the oppposition. -
Lost ones..
More than 11,000 egyptian, 6,000 Jordanian ,1,000 Syrian and about 700 Israeli soldiers were killed. -
Last Day..
War ends, with Israel claiming the Gaza Strip, West Bank, Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula to the Suez Canal.