aressted man
when the man got arrested more people came to the store to start more drama.When the people were waiting outside there was a bomb threat that caused more protest. -
the four refusing freshman
Four freshman went into the store and were told to leave now but they refused and left when the place closed.after this more people started to refuse to leave the store. -
the white peoples counter
When little children and there parents sat at the counter and order good food they could not be black. they would not give you anything besides water. -
the counter arrest
when black people could not sit at the bar and order what they wanted like the white people could they would want to go to jail and sing songs happy. -
martin luthur kings speech
when martin Luther king came to Greensboro all the black people came to hear his speech. the white people were mad at him and later on arrested him. -
the free black people
soon j f Kennedy came on TV and gave freedom to the black people.which meant they could sit at the white peoples bar and order more than just water and they could get anything off the menu -
the beaten black people at the store
when the black people would refuse o leave the stores the police would get tired of it so they would just beat them with sticks