Jul 13, 1540
Sir Francis Drake was born
Period: Jul 13, 1543 to
Sir Franic Drake
Jan 1, 1553
ichard Eden publishes A Treatyse of the Newe India. First book in England to describe the new geographical knowledge.
Feb 10, 1554
Queen Mary I and Philip Prince of Spain marry. Philip is proclaimed King of England, July 1554, as consort of Queen Mary I, Elizabeth's I's half sister.
Feb 10, 1556
Reign of King Philip II of Spain.
Feb 1, 1562
John Hawkins, Drake's cousin, embarks on a slave trade expedition to West Africa and West Indies.
Feb 1, 1566
Drake sails with Captain Lovell to the Caribbean on a slave trading enterprise.
Oct 2, 1567
Drake sails with John Hawkins to New World where they are trapped by Spanish fleet that attacks and kills 500 Englishmen. Drake narrowly escapes on the Judith.
Feb 1, 1570
Drake sails to the West Indies.
Feb 1, 1572
Drake sails again to the West Indies. Plans to capture important town of Nombre de Dios, but was wounded in the attack. He later joined forces with Guillaume Le Testu on a mule train and made off with L 20,000 in gold and silver.
Feb 1, 1577
Drake sails around the world in the Golden Hind, is the First Englishman to do so
Feb 1, 1578
Thomas Doughty, an officer on the circumnavigation voyage and Drake's personal friend was charged with conspiracy and hanged.
Feb 15, 1579
On the circumnavigation, the Golden Hind reaches Callao, the harbor of Lima, Peru.
Mar 1, 1579
Drake overtakes the Spanish ship Nuestra Senora de la Concepcion, nicknamed, Cacafuego. This ship proved to be Drake's richest plunder.
Jul 1, 1579
Drake discovers the coast of Upper California and names it New Albion. Drake stops in what is now the vicinity of the San Francisco Bay to overhaul his ship and makes friendly contract with the Indians of the area.
Jul 23, 1579
Drake sails across the Pacific.
Oct 16, 1579
Drake sights land in the Philippines.
Jan 1, 1580
Drake sails to Java, across the Indian Ocean, around the Cape of Good Hope and arrives back in Plymouth on September 26.
Feb 1, 1581
Francis Drake is knighted by Queen Elizabeth.
Feb 1, 1581
Drake buys the first of his Devonshire estates, Buckland Abbey.
Feb 1, 1581
Sir Francis Drake becomes mayor of Plymouth.