Old singapore

Singapore Colonization

  • Arrival in Singapore

    Arrival in Singapore
    Sir Stamford Raffles landed in Singapore, and the next day, he concluded a preliminary treaty with Temenggong Abdul Rahman with Temenggong Abdul Rahman to set up a trading post in Singapore.
  • Period: to

    Singapore Colonization

  • The Signing of the Formal Treaty

    The Signing of the Formal Treaty
    The formal treaty was then signed on with Sultan Hussein of Johor and the Temenggong, the rulers of Singapore respectively.
  • Singapore is Prospering

    Singapore is Prospering
    Singapore was earning revenue, and three years later, its trade surpassed that of Penang’s.
  • Anglo-Dutch Treaty

    Anglo-Dutch Treaty
    Anglo-Dutch Treaty – withdrawal of Dutch interests from British occupied Singapore.
  • Singapore is in Britain's Possession

    Singapore is in Britain's Possession
    1824 –Treaty formalizing Singapore’s status as a British possession.
  • Formation of the Straits Settlements

    Formation of the Straits Settlements
    1826 - Singapore, Malacca, and Penang were grouped to form the Straits Settlements, under the administration of British India.
  • Movement of Government

    The centre of government moved to Singapore for the Straits Settlements.
  • Population Growth

    Population Growth
    Singapore’s population grew to 80,792; with the ethnic diversities of the Chinese, 61.9%, the Malays, 13.5%, the Indians, 16.05%, and other races (including the Europeans), 8.5% of the total population.
  • Straits Settlements under British Rule

    Straits Settlements under British Rule
    The Straits Settlements became a Crown Colony under the jurisdiction of the Colonial Office in London.
  • Singapore Became a Major Port

    Singapore Became a Major Port
    Singapore became a major port of call for ships between Europe and East Asia.
  • Singapore Became Export Center of Rubber

    Singapore Became Export Center of Rubber
    Singapore became the main sorting and export centre of the world for rubber after the development of rubber plantations.
  • Immigrants in Singapore

    Immigrants in Singapore
    Singapore’s trade expanded eightfold. This prosperity attracted immigrants from areas around the region.
  • Immigrants in Singapore

    Immigrants in Singapore
    Singapore’s trade expanded eightfold. This prosperity attracted immigrants from areas around the region. This happened from 1873 to 1913.
  • Japanese Invasion on Singapore

    Japanese Invasion on Singapore
    The Japanese Invasion caused the British to lose their ownership of Singapore.