No meme 02

Simple present vs present continuos

  • Present continuos

    Is for actions that they are doing at the same time spoken
  • Present continuous: structure Affirmative

    Subject + am / are / is (verb to be) + verb with ING
  • Present continuous: structure negative form

    Negative form:
    Subject + am / are / is (verb to be) + not + verb with ING
  • Present continuous structure of quiestions

    Questions form:
    Am / are / is + subject + verb with ING
  • Present continuous

    Termination "ie" examples:
    Die-dying ................................ lie-lyin
  • Present continuous

    Termination "e"exmple:
    Use - Using have-having
  • Present continuous

    Ending with a consonant:
    Must not end in R, W, X or Y
    Examples: get-getting f
  • vs

  • Simple past

    It is the tense to refer to an action or state that has passed.
  • Simple past structe affirmative

    Form affirmative
    - I/you/we/ they - He / she
    Use ED
    Example: worked
  • Simple past: negative form

    Form Negative
    -I/you/we/ they - He / she
    Use DIDN´T (did past of do)
    Example: Didn´t go to park
  • Simple past question form

    Question + word + Auxiliary +Subject +Verb +Rest What did you play yesterday evening? R= I played computer games.
  • Simple past: regular verbs

    Regular Verbs
    -work: worked
    -play: played
    -stay: stayed
  • simple past: irregular verbs

    Irregular verbs
    -begin: began
    -take: took
    -make: made