First Silly Bandz sold online
-Brand was created to promote sustainability and reusing of rubber -
Period: to
First retail store sells Silly Bandz
-Sold at Learning Express in Birmingham Alabama -
Became popular
-Started becoming popular, and trending
-By this time kids started wearing them
-Went from making $10,000 a year to over $100 million
-This created a large demand -
Starting of Health Concerns
-Concerns about health and blood circulation start
-Due to most kids wearing many Silly Bandz at once, people started to get concerned
-This slowly started the decline and slowing down of the Silly Bandz sales -
Silly Bandz are sold in Quizno's kids meals
-The popular food chain gave out silly bandz with the purchase of a kids meal -
Silly Bandz are at it's peak
-In 2010, the company made $200 million in profit
-Product is sold in 8,000 stores across the US and Canada -
Silly Bandz video games relased to public
-video games based on silly bandz were released by Zoo Games for iPhone and Nintendo DS users -
Silly Bandz are included in Winter's brand chocolate
-Silly Bandz are included in the product and marketed in South America -
Banning of silly bandz and conerns
-popularity has started to sharply decline
-due to health concerns and Silly Bandz started being banned from some schools for being too distracting -
Started to decline
- Started losing interest fast -kids stopped buying them, because they weren't allowed to wear them to school, and their parents were worried about their health
Silly Bandz arent trending anymore
-By 2013, most stores had stopped selling them
-They were now un-trending
-The new trend and rise of rainbow loom started, and look away publicity from Silly Bandz