Silk road events

  • Feb 1, 1300

    silk road gets even bigger

    The mongol expansion through out the asian contenent from around 1207 to 1360 helped bring political and re- establish the silk road
  • birth of silkroad

    silk road originated in 1st century bc following the efforts by th yuezhi and xiongnu in the tarim basin
  • differnt dynastys

    this route was open up by zhang quian and the western dynasty
  • budissum

    silk road played a part in transmition of buddisum
  • Silkroad earns name.

    the silk road reps an early phenomenon of political and cultural intergation due to intergational trade.
  • Growth of the road

    soon after the roman conquest of egypt in 30 bc. roman regular communincations and trade between china , southeast asia, middle east. blossomed as an unpredicted scale
  • Modeer day

    the eurasian land bridge is bassicly the new silk road ( completed in 1990)
  • disintergration

    the fragmettation of the mongal empire loosed the political culture and econimic unity of the silk road