
  • 3600 BCE

    3600 BCE

    3600 BCE
    First appearance of silk in China.
  • 2700 BCE

    2700 BC

    2700 BC
    Chinese cultivated silkworms and made silk
  • 130 BCE

    138 BCE

    138 BCE
    Emperor Wy opens up the “Silk Road” trading route between China and Central Asia.
  • 75 BCE

    75 BC

    75 BC
    Silk became the luxury cloth in Rome
  • 600

    Silkworm farms

    Silkworm farms
    Silk worm farms exist in Europe.
  • 1640 silk in lyon

    1640 silk in lyon
    Silk weaving became popular in Lyon, a place in Italy. There they dyed a bunch of fabrics.
  • Anna Maria Garthwaite

    Anna Maria Garthwaite
    She made a bunch of designs with silk that are still used today. She was from Europe and was a skilled silk designer.
  • Loom and Semple are invented.

    Loom and Semple are invented.
    Philippe de Lasalle was a worker in Lyon. He invented these machines that helped speed up the process of production.
  • Silk used for many things

    Silk used for many things
    Silk is now used for sheets, pillows, dresses, and clothing.