Significant Events in U.S. History between 1900 and 1920

  • Carrie A. Nation, a Temperance Movement leader, destroys bars in Wichita, KA

    Nation is imprisoned after destroying $3,000 of property in a hotel bar, but judges release her a month later believing her to suffer some level of mental illness.
  • The Gold Standard Act is passed by Congress

    Gold becomes the only metal directly linked to paper currency, effectively lowering silver's importance in the economy.
  • First U.S. census of the twentieth century

    The U.S. population increased by 21% from 1890 to 76,212,168. Hawaii is included in the census after becoming an American territory earlier in the year.
  • William McKinley wins second term to become 26th U.S. President

    McKinley beat William J. Bryan a second time, but now appointed his previous assistant secretary of the navy, Theodore Roosevelt, as Vice President.
  • President McKinley is shot four times by Leo Czolgosz

    McKinley died a week later from the bullet wounds.
  • Vice President Theodore Roosevelt succeed William McKinley to become the 27th U.S. President

    Like McKinnley, Roosevelt was a Republican president.
  • Cuban becomes independent from the United States

    Cuba meets the requirements for American troops to withdraw. Some of these requirements include the guarantee that Cuba will not give its land to other nations and that the U.S. can establish a naval base on the island.
  • The Wright brothers successfully land their first plane

    Orville and Wilbur Wright fly a man-carrying plane powered by a petroleum engine across 120 ft in 12 seconds. This date marks the beginning of the age of flight.
  • Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

    The doctrine gave the U.S. government freedom to exercise military power in Latin America and the Caribbean to improve the governments and economies of these nations.
  • Upton Sinclare publishes 'The Jungle' to expose crulety of slaughterhouses on workers

    'The Jungle' opens American eyes to the terrible conditions of the food industry in which many immigrants worked. The government took notice.
  • Theodore Roosevelt is inaugurated as the 27th U.S. President

    After completing three years in place of McKinley, Roosevelt is reelected as president. He serves as for a total of seven years
  • A 7.8 earthquake devastates San Francisco, CA

    The earthquake and the fire it causes result in at least 478 deaths and $400 million in damages.
  • Congress passes the Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act

    Realizing health hazards in the food packing industry, Congress passes these Acts to reduce unsanitary conditions.
  • The Financial Panic and Depression of 1907 begins

    The earthquake in San Francisco hurt the flow of gold in the city's banks and throughout the nation. Two brokerage firms collapse after investors make failed speculation and resulting panic causes a greater crash to the stock market. J.P. Morgan routes large sums of money to stabilize the market and end the 90-day depression.
  • The Great White Fleet of the American Navy set sail around the world

    Roosevelt invests heavily in the Navy to develop sixteen battleships. These ships sail around to the world to display America's military power.
  • Cuba is finally free of American soldiers

    American withdraw from Cuba after they elect a president, Jose Miguel Gomez
  • William Taft is inaugurated as the 27th U.S President

    The Republican Taft defeats Democrat William J. Bryan.
  • The 1910 census shows a 21% population growth in the U.S.

    This growth of approximately 92,000,000 persons is similar to the growth seen in the 1900 census.
  • The Triangle Shirtwait Factory fire kills over 146 women employees

    The owners of the factory are acquitted in court but the tragedy sparked interest in reform of working conditions.
  • The 16th Amedment allows the government to tax income

    A sad day for workers.
  • Woodrow Wilson is inaugurated as the 28th U.S. President

    Wilson is the first Democrat in office since 1982. He defeats incumbent Taft and former president Roosevelt with 435 electoral votes.
  • The 17th Amendment sets rules for electing Senators

    This Amendment nullified the Constitution's rule of senator election by state governments to allow for their election by popular vote.
  • Congress establishes the Federal Reserve System

    This is the first step towards more control over the economy with hopes of preventing or mitigating future economic depressions and panics.
  • President Wilson promises to keep America out of the Great War

    The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife launch Europe into a bloody war. Great Britain and France joined to fight Germany, Austria, and Italy. America watches from afar, determined not to fight other peoples' wars.
  • German U-Boats sink RMS Lusitania, killing 128 American passengers

    American begins to loosen commercial ties with Germany.
  • Woodrow Wilson wins a second presidential term

    Wilson defeats Republican Charles E. Hughes with 277 electoral votes.
  • The Spanish Influenza Flu kills over twenty million worldwide

    In the United States, more than 548,000 die from the flu.
  • The Zimmerman Telegraph from Germany to Mexico is intercepted by the U.S.

    Germany promises to help Mexico invade the U.S. America responds by declaring war a few months later.
  • The United States declares war on Germany and joins the Allies in the Great War

    The Zimmerman letter was a tipping point for the American people. Wilson and Congress readily declare war a few months later.
  • The 18th Amendment prohibits the sale and transporation of alcoholic beverages

    Some breweries manage to stay in business by selling ice cream, cheese, and or ceramics.
  • World War I ends with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles

    The Allies are victorious when Axis nations surrender. Most restitution payments fall on the shoulders of the economically weak Germany.
  • Creation of the Leauge of Nations

    American President Woodrow Wilson guides the formation of the League, including most major European world powers. The United States refuses to join.
  • The 1920 census shows 15% population increase

    The Unites States population passes 100 million.
  • The 19th Amendment allows women to vote

    The women's suffrage movement comes to a joyous end when Congress passes the 19th Amendment.