Significative Inventions for BabyBommers

  • The Atomic Bomb

    The Atomic Bomb
    Created by Robert Oppenheimer, used it as a weapon in the World War 2, this was a lethal weapon which uses nuclear energy to create an explosive reaction.
  • The microwave

    The microwave
    This device was invented by Percy Spencer, it is used to heat food, describes a medium-small box with electromagnetic field which raise the temperature of the food to heat it.
  • The modem

    The modem
    Invented by Dennis Hayes. Know as modem because the word modulator, use it as a computer hardware device which converts a transmission or signal to be transmitted to a device as tv, computer or phone.
  • Cassette Tape

    Cassette Tape
    The Cassette Tape was created by Philips. Serve to reproduce recordings and called a portable device.
  • The Arpanet

    The Arpanet
    Created by Elizabeth Feinler, as a project which stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, the one that actually lead the net which led the internet be distributed and the main tool to distribute information trout the nets.