Jan 1, 1573
Scientific Method
The scientific method is extremely important because it has helped many scientists to discover and make things like the internet, DNA and antibiotics. These things have improved the world and affected a lot of people globally.
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https://internetshakespeare.uvic.ca/Library/SLT/ideas/new%20knowledge/bacon.html -
Penicillin is significant because it affects a lot of people worldwide because it saves lives by stopping infection. Before antibiotics were invented people easily died of simple diseases.It is in use globally so it has easily saved lives of people who have later shaped the world.
Pic link
https://time.com/4250235/penicillin-1942-history/ -
Digital revalution
The digital revolution is significant because It affected many people by helping them connect through the digital world and to help share ideas, knowledge, and create new businesses, entertainment. This event began a domino effect which created the advanced devices we use today. It has changed the way we communicate, work, study, consume, and entertain ourselves.
Pic link
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Revolution -
Release of the internet
The internet is significant in the exact way as the digital revolution because without the internet the digital revolution would never happen. -
Covid-19 is significant according to my definition because as it states it impacts many people and covid-19 was a worldwide pandemic, everyone on the planet was affected. Covid also impacted communities because of social distancing and change of ideas and social norms. More people are using devices for studying and working and communicating with others.