Significant Technological Events That I Have Experienced

By aafrost
  • NASA Successfully Tests First Deep Space Internet

    NASA Successfully Tests First Deep Space Internet
    Using the Disruption-Tolerant Networking software, NASA was able to transmit to and from a science spacecraft that was over 20 million miles above earth. Image Source:
  • Bitcoin Started Being Minted

    Bitcoin, the first ever cryptocurrency, was launched in 2009 and since then has experienced a numerous number of milestones.
  • Instagram Launches

    Instagram Launches
    Along with Thefacebook launching back in 2004, photo-sharing to the internet sees a renewal with the launch of Instagram in October of 2010. Image Source:
  • Number of Internet Users Reaches 2 Billion

    The number of total internet users surpasses 2 billion, meaning that 2 of 7 people around the globe has accessed the internet at least once.
  • Social Media and its Influence on Elections

    It was discovered shortly after the 2016 US Presidential Election that social media companies such as Facebook has been used by foreign governments to influence national elections in the United States and other countries.