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Significant milestones in the history of computers

  • Charles Babbage designs the Analytical Engine

    Charles Babbage designs the Analytical Engine
    Babbage proposes the design of the first mechanical general-purpose computer, which would later be known as the Analytical Engine.
  • Alan Turing's Concept of a Universal Machine

    Alan Turing's Concept of a Universal Machine
    Alan Turing publishes his groundbreaking paper titled "On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem". This paper introduces the concept of a "universal machine" (later known as the Turing Machine), which lays the theoretical foundation for modern computers.
  • Konrad Zuse’s Z3

    Konrad Zuse’s Z3
    The Z3, developed by Konrad Zuse, becomes operational. It’s the first programmable, fully automatic digital computer.
  • ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)

    ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
    The ENIAC, developed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania, becomes the first general-purpose electronic computer.

    The UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer) becomes the first commercial computer delivered to the U.S. Census Bureau.
  • IBM System/360

    IBM System/360
    IBM unveils the System/360, a revolutionary mainframe computer family that allows businesses to scale their computing needs.
  • Intel 4004 Microprocessor

    Intel 4004 Microprocessor
    Intel introduces the 4004, the first commercially available microprocessor, which leads to the development of personal computers.
  • Introduction of Microsoft

    Introduction of Microsoft
    Bill Gates and Paul Allen form Microsoft, which goes on to develop operating systems that dominate the personal computing market.
  • IBM Personal Computer (PC)

    IBM Personal Computer (PC)
    IBM launches the IBM PC (Model 5150), standardizing personal computers and making them widely available for home and business use.
  • Launch of the iPhone

    Launch of the iPhone
    Steve Jobs unveils the iPhone at the Macworld Conference & Expo, revolutionizing mobile computing by combining phone capabilities with advanced computing power.
  • The release of Windows 11

    The release of Windows 11
    Microsoft launches Windows 11, the latest version of its popular operating system, offering a new user interface and features designed for improved productivity and performance.
  • GPT-4 is released

    GPT-4 is released
    OpenAI releases GPT-4, a powerful AI language model that significantly advances natural language processing capabilities, impacting fields from education to customer service.
  • Ongoing breakthroughs in quantum computing

    Ongoing breakthroughs in quantum computing
    As of 2024, research into quantum computing continues to advance rapidly, with companies like IBM and Google working toward creating fully functional quantum computers capable of solving problems traditional computers cannot efficiently handle.