Significant Literacy Experiences

By lulu100
  • Mother story

    Mom use to read bedtime story for my sister and I every night.
  • Family time

    My family always gather together to tell stories to each other.
  • Life Change

    When my mom move to America and I was in Ghana, my learning become worse because I was depress and could not focus on school.
  • Fun time

    When my sister, cousins and i\I, started to tell our own story time to each other. During bed time, we would gather together to tell the more crazy stories to each other.
  • School in Ghana

    I did not like school and learning much in Ghana because they always punish you for read or spelling something wrong. You tend to get punish anything you did wrong.
  • Middle school

    My middle school teacher get me back to loving reading books by giving me dance books because I wanna to dancer.
  • Different type of Englishes

    When I was in middle, learn my English and American English were a little different. My English was more of British English and broken English, so reading and spelling was a little difficulty.
  • High School in America

    When I started high school, I become more interesting in fiction books. I love reading about fantasy and getting lost into the story. It was a way to escape from reality.
  • Work

    I remember how I always have a hard time reading to kids because I could not read some word right.
  • Now

    I like read books like manga,fiction,romance and anything supernatural. But nonfiction and literacy books tend to board me or my brain is not interesting to those books.