Significant Literacy Experiences

  • Children’s Books

    My parents would read children’s story books to me almost daily in the early years of my life.
  • Learned How to Read

    My mother taught me letters and phonics using workbooks.
  • Chapter Books

    I began reading chapter books for children, and soon after began reading novels.
  • Creative Writing

    I wrote several fictional short stories for school assignments.
  • High School Reading

    In high school English I read titles such as Call of the Wild, Last of the Mohicans, and All Quiet on the Western front.
  • Works of Jane Austen

    I read all of Jane Austen’s novels for enjoyment.
  • Reading Aloud

    I read several novels aloud with my sister.
  • Reading the Bible

    I attempted to read through the entire bible in a year and made it over halfway through.
  • Famous Historical Works

    I read verious literary works of great philsosophers, historians, theologians, etc. for a college course.
  • College Textbooks

    I was required to read from various textbooks for my college classes, which I did not enjoy.