Significant Inventions In The 90's

  • The First Text Message Was Sent

    The First Text Message Was Sent
    The first text message that was sent was sent from a computer to a cellphone and it read "Merry Christmas". Invented by Friedhelm Hillebrand. Text Message or also known as SMS, has changed how we as a society communicate forever.
  • The Internet Was Created

    The Internet Was Created
    In 1990 the World Wide Web was proposed to the world and 2 years later in 1992 it was finally opened for the public. Created by Tim Berners-Lee. Of course as everyone knows. The world would not be where it is now with the invention of the internet. We are now capable of sharing anything with anyone anywhere in the world with internet access.
  • Windows 95

    Windows 95
    Windows 95 improved the access for the common people to get into the internet. Windows was Invented by Bill Gates in 1985.Windows 95 changed the game with the OS's as it no longer based on a Disk Operating System.
  • Compact CD's are intorduced

    Compact CD's are intorduced
    CD-RW or also known as the rewritable compact disks. They changed the way information was transferred, now instead of using the very big and robust Hard Drives we had a more portable way to do it. Everyone remembers burning their first CD and mixtape.
  • Google was founded

    Google was founded
    In 1998, Google was sponsored by two individuals with 10,000 and was given the chance to become what it is to this day. Inventec by Co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google has played a huge role in Computer Technology, I bet the browser you are currently using is Google Chrome.