Significant games from 1952-present

  • Period: to

    significant games for 1952-present

  • Space Invaders

    Space Invaders saved gaming in its time. the first arcade game to really 'explode' with popularity
  • Zork

    one of the earliest interactive fiction computer games and one of the most popular. When Zork was published, it was split into three games: Zork: The Great Underground Empire - Part I (later known as Zork I), Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz, and Zork III: The Dungeon Master.
  • E.T the extra terestirial

    for being known for being
  • resident evil

    popularized horror hames
  • Super Mario bros 64

    mario set the standard for platformers super mario bros and stood as aproof of concept for 3d worlds
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    one of the most popular games of all time and of its time, it was the tenth most selling game of that year
  • halo 1

    first FPS and first game on the origional Xbox it was very popular more than 5 million copies were sold world wide by 2005
  • gears of war

    responsible for the influx of gory shooters and aslo included the best cover system for its time
  • league of legends

    change the face of Free-to-play games
  • Minecraft

    one of the most popular indie games
    it created emense hype and was played by many player sof any age group