Cleveland became a city in 1796 , Cleveland is one of the biggest cities in Ohio and is an important part of the economy till this day -
Ohio Becomes a State
Ohio became a state in 1803 as part of the Northwest Ordinance. Its population was very small and took a long time to grow. The physical geography of the state was perfect for new people to start their lives, but there was no industries or business for many years. When the economy finally boosted, and cities were established, Ohio grew steadily to become what is is today. -
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 was perfect for the brand new state of Ohio. With many immigrants coming in form the East, Ohio got off to a great start. People moving West to have a better life had to stop in Southern Ohio which helped small business bring in great revenue -
War of 1812
The War of 1812 is crucial in Ohio's History. Perhaps the Battle of Lake Erie is the biggest reason for this. Oliver Hazard Perry helped win the battle and it is a very big part of the history in this state. -
The battle of lake Erie
the battle of lake Erie is a very Important part of history be cause if we lost that battle the british would have gained very important parts of ohio. -
Akron became a city
Akron became a city some time around 1825 -
First railroad
Railroads are a very important as a part of Ohio History. The first railroads brought in many immigrants which was great for the economy. They also helped ship any materials, like rubber, to neighboring states. -
The Ohio and Erie canal
The Ohio and Erie canal was finished in 1832 this is a very important part of Ohio because the canal helped boost Akrons economy drastically -
Summit county
summit became a county in 1840 -
Potato Famine
Another source of immigrants in Ohio would have to be the Potato Famine. Bringing in many Irish immigrants because of the disease being spread with the commonly used potato, the Potato Famine helped contribute to the economy of Ohio. The more people the merrier, and the Potato Famine is positive towards this saying for our state. -
California Gold Rush
The Gold Rush helped more people come to Ohio in 1848 and a few years after. A great abundance of gold was discovered in California, so many people came from all over the world to create a fortune for themselves. This event brought some people into Ohio on their way any it boosted the economy for quite some time. -
First railroad in Akron
the first train and railroad debuted in Akron at around 1852 i think the helped the economy even more , After the canals became useless the railroads were a faster way of transportation still keeping Akron in the economy . -
John Brown / Harpers Ferry
John Brown and his relation to slavery revolutionized Ohio as we know it today. Slaves where brought to the North as John Brown got his point across and started the Civil War. As a matter of fact, John Brown was from Hudson, Ohio himself. -
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln was elected as a president in 1860, and he contributed very much to Ohio. As president, Lincoln helped industry all over the nation which was beneficial to the growing state of Ohio. The main goal was to make money from the rubber companies, and President Lincoln only helped this cause. -
Civil War
The Civil War was crucial for the economy of Ohio. The war brought in slaves to Ohio and they began working for money to create a lifestyle for themselves. With the North winning the war, the southern states began failing in industry, giving as boost to the North. -
Buchtel College
Buchtel college opened and hand its first classes in 1872. -
First Telephone
The first telephone was a great step in U.S. History. It enabled the companies to contact each other in such a unique fashion, that it was almost unrealistic. The communication increased very quickly and it was very productive. -
telephones in akron
Telephones became a thing in Akron 1877 this an important thing because telephones were a way faster means of communication . -
health department in akron
the first health department came into play at around 1881 -
First Car
Cars are very easy to relate to Ohio. The demand for rubber tires greatly helped companies get off to a great start. Other industries started to boom as the demand for car parts increased steadily. -
First Flight
Airplanes finally came about in 1903, thanks to the Wright Brothers. It was not until later that Ohio had anything to do with these new forms of transportation, but without the two brothers it would never have come about. Ohio began making companies to construct part for planes that were sent in wars, contributing yet again. -
Firestone and ford
Firestone and ford came together to make cars in 1905 this couldn't have been a better collaboration with the best car makers and the best tire makers -
World War I
World War I impacted Ohio in many ways as it had to supply soldiers, rubber, and any other necessary materials. It played a great role in getting all supplies shipped to Europe on boats. It is only right to say that Ohio was a major factor in helping the U.S. fight in this war. -
fritz pollard
fitz pollard played for the Akron pros a pro football team in Akron at the time he was 1 of 2 african americans in the league ,and he became the first african american head coach -
Cleveland and hopkins international airport
this is important to cleveland be cause it allows travel and trade across the whole world -
The Terminal tower
the terminal tower was built in cleveland in 1925. its purpose was simiular to the union terminal.now its a shopping center -
Great Depression
The great depression gretaklky affected the North as its economy was based off of industry and not agriculture.The stock market crash was the major turning point of rebuilding in the North. -
World War II
Ohio played a similar role in WWII as it did in WWI. It supplied soldiers, rubber, and many other things. At this point in time, though, aircraft mechanics were on the uprise. Ohio helped provide Aircraft parts for the soldiers to fly in the war, ultimately helping the outcome yet again. -
The Cleveland browns
the browns be came a nfl team in 1950 the brought people to watch hem in the city at the time because they were a very good team at the time bringing cleveland lots of money