
Significant events in the years 1700-1800

  • The Boston Masacre

    British troops fire into a mob, killing five men and leading to violent protests.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    Colonial Patriots disguised as Indians boarded Boston harbor ships and dumped more than 300 crates of tea overboard as a way of protest against the British tea tax.
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    First Continental Congress meets

    The First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia with 56 delegates.
  • The American Revolution begins

    The War between Britain and the British colonies begins.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of independence in Philadelphia
  • The Treaty of Paris

    Great Britain acknowledges American independence, and it brings the war to a close.
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    Drafing the U.S. Constituition

    Delegates from 12 of the colonies met in Philadelphia to draft the U.S Constitution.
  • George Whashington

    George Washington is unanimously elected president of the United States.
  • Bill of Rights

    The Bill of rights is ratified
  • John Adams

    John Adams is inaugurated as the Second President of the U.S.