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Significant events in Canada

  • The start of the Great Depression

    On October 24th, 1929, the stock market crashed and sent the country into a depression that would last until the beginning of the second world war.
  • The Founding of the Worker's Unity League

    The Worker's Unity League was a militant industrial union labour central closely to the Communist Party of Canada on the instructions of the Communist international.
  • Canada signs the statute of Westminster

    Canada gains control of foreign affairs, it is a major step towards Canadian Sovereignty.
  • The Regina Riot

    The Regina Riot was caused by the government sending the RCMP to arrest the leaders of the Trekkers which were made up of people that just wanted better working conditions. This caused the end of the On-to-Ottawa Trekkers.
  • The beginning of the Second World War

    On September 1st, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and Britain and France declared war. On September 10th, Canada joined the war effort.
  • Disaster at Dieppe

    The Dieppe raid, nicknamed the Disaster of Dieppe, was a failed attempt by Canadian and British soldiers to get a foothold on a way to take back France from the Germans but ended in Disaster because of poor planning and caused 3,367 Canadians to be killed, injured or captured.
  • Canadian troops invade Sicily with allied forces

    The 1st Canadian Infantry Division and the 1st Canadian Army Tank Brigade that had been stationed in Great Britain took part in the invasion of Sicily due to the need for battle experience and growing public demand
  • Canadians successfully capture Juno Beach

    Canadian soldiers were tasked with capturing Juno Beach during D-day while the Americans at the British captured the other forces captured the 4 beaches. Canadians had 359 dead, 574 wounded and 47 captured soldiers.