Significant Events-History

  • World War One

    The immediate cause off ww1 was the assaination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip, but that wasn't the only reason. Land, colonization, politics and power was other things that were the cause. Things to consider before ww1 was gender rules, population was much smaller, child labour and canada is a very young country. It was assumed that Canada would become involved because they had a lot of people that were not born in Canada.
  • Winnipeg General Strike

    Women and men in Canada went on strike because of their was unequal pay, poor working conditions and not a lot of people would get jobs because of these conditions. By the end of the strike, people got hurt and went to jail when the strike started to go downhill but by the end of it, laws were changed and workers became more political.
  • The Great Depression

    The stock market crashed in 1929. Life was good for most Canadians in the 20s but they bought a lot of excessive items which led them to have no money which led to people losing their jobs. People in Canada ended up sleeping in small places and were shamed for being homeless. People were dying and could not live under those conditions.
  • Rise of Fascism

    Germany was blamed for ww1 and they were very upset about it, it leaded to Hitler starting to blame the jews. Germany dealed with economic problems and very angry they got screwed over. People in Germany started to agree and love Hitler on what he was saying which put them as their leader in the 1930s. Fascism was an extreme right wing reactionary dictatorship while Canada was more on the left side of the scale leading Canada to not agree with what Germany has done.
  • Holocaust

    The holocaust was the murder of 6 million jews by the Nazis during ww2. The Nazis passed the Nuremburg laws in 1934, which stripped jews of their German citizenship. Jews were made to identify themselves with yellow stars and eventually forced them into concentration camps. Many people from Germany tried to come to Canada to start a new life and try and leave Hitler, but sadly Canada refused to take them in and sent them back to where they came from.
  • World War 2

    Hitler wanted Polands land and wanted to take over Poland. Hitler signed a non-agreession pact (to not invade Poland) with soseph Stalin even though they did not like each other. September 1939, Hitler broke his promise and invaded Poland, that ended up having Britain and France decleared war on Germany. Canada at ww2 was automatically at war (wasn't connected to other countries) and Canada is now an independent country, when in ww1 Canada was not its own independent country.
  • Vietnam War

    The role that Canada played was that Canadian politics did not align, Canada also didn't join United States in the war. Canadian indistries contributed by selling 2.47 billion dollars worth of war materials to the United States. The impact that Canada's relationship had with the United States was that in April 1965, Pearson made a speech in Philadelphia suggesting that the bombing should stop. The United States president (lyndon Johnson) was not pleased with this.
  • Soviet Union Collapse

    In 1991, the collapse of the soviet union happended. By the 80s, the USSR was essentially bankrupt and 40+ years on conflict and competition finally caught up with the soviets. The soviets appeared weak. Some of the major consequences of the collaspe was that the leaders that followed announced that Russia would be moving towards a more capitalist, democratic model. Another is the official independence for former soviet states and the cold war was over, one superpower remained.
  • Iraq War

    United States invaded iraq, charging that the iraqis had weapons, the USA and Britain with several contingents from other countries defeated iraq and occupied the country. By Canada not wanting to join, this lead Canada for more independence.
  • 911

    Members of a group hijacked 4 planes and 2 hit the world trade towers and 1 hit the pentagon and the last landed in a field.
    There were a few (24) Canadians on board that died. The airport security was changed and something called antiterrorism and created