Significant events between 1929-1945

  • 1935 BCE

    The Regina riot

    The Regina riot
    The Regina riot was a massive group of men that hopped on trains "On to Ottawa trek". The men headed to the federal government to protest against the government about the unemployment rates that were increasing dramatically.
  • 1933 BCE

    The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The Holocaust was a horrific time period as the Nazis killed approximately six million Jewish people through concretion camps and through persecution. This was the Germans way of keeping their word on the only 'real' people were the Aryan race.
  • 1932 BCE

    Canadian Relief camps

    Canadian Relief camps
    At this time, Factory owners could only have a certain amount of workers on duty for them. Men would be waiting for days would eventually lead to conflict with each other. The Canadian government wasn't going to take these problems so they created something called Canadian relief camps that the men can apply for. Families would receive vouchers with a small amount of money with each voucher directed to only a specific thing, for example food, clothes, rent.
  • 1929 BCE

    The Great depression

    The Great depression
    The great depression is one of the most significant events in this time period. In 1929 the stock market crashed leaving thirteen million plus Americans without jobs. The great depression lasted ten years and was a economic crash that left people unemployed and struggling for the full ten years. This was definitely a decline in Canada growth as everyone but the rich were struggling to get by in life.
  • World war 2

    World war 2
    World War 2 started in 1939 where Germany declared and invaded Poland. Shortly to the invasion, France and United kingdom declared war against Germany.
  • Canada declares war on Germany

    Canada declares war on Germany
    Canada declares war and this will lead Canada out of the depression as this creates thousands of jobs for people for military weapons for the army. Canada's economy grows drastically as unemployment rates decreased.
  • Japanese Canadians internment

    Japanese Canadians internment
    Approximately 20,000 plus Japanese Canadians were evacuated or sent to camps due to the fact they were seen as a threat to the Canadian military and government. The Canadian government believed that it was possible for them to be 'spies' for the Japanese military.
  • World war 2 Ends

    World war 2 Ends
    Germany and Japan surrender and the war ends. On May 7, 1945 the German General Alfred Jodl made the agreement and signed the papers the Germany would surrender.