Significance timeline

  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    The Battle of the atlantic Began when German U boats started attacking supply ships coming from Canada to Great Britain. At the start of the war Canada had about 11 ships that were suitible for fighting and around 300 navy men. This grew to 400 ships and 100 thousand men over the span of the war;and made Canada obtain the worlds thirds largest navy.During this Battle Canada was given Control of all ships north of the equator and west of 40 Degrees, this shows that Britain's trust in Canada. 4/8
  • Netherlands

    The Battle of the Netherlands started on May 10th 1940 when Nazi Germany invaded the neutral Netherlands. The Netherlands were liberated by the Canadians in 1944 to 1945. During the german occupaction the royal dutch family took refuge in canada, and for that they send thousands of tulips annually, Many familys wrote thank you Canada on top of their roofs. Ranking 2/8
  • Battle of Dunkirk

    Battle of Dunkirk
    The Battle of Dunkirk was at the end of France's Fall, Where the allied forces were outnumbered and outgunned by the nazis. The allied Forces Managed to escape on around 800 boats, unfortunatly the french citizens living nearby weren't as lucky as they were taken priseners. Canada did not have a memorable role in this battle.Ranking 8/8
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The battle of Britain was actualy 57 days of Bombing on London. It started Because there was an accident bombing on London, and in return the allies bombed berlin, this angered Hitler and he ordered the Blizenburg. This gave allies a chance to regroup and organize and eventually gave the allies victory. Pilots and Training were done in Canada. Canada it self gave around 300 pilots. Ranking 5/8
  • Battle of Hong Kong

    Battle of Hong Kong
    This battle was a lost battle to begin with the 10 thousand Allied forces that included 2000 Canadian troops were completely destroyed by the 50 thousand strong Japanese army. Many were killed and many more were taken to Priseners of war Camps, this battle was futile and bore no fruit to the victory. Ranking 7/8
  • Dieppe

    The Battle of Dieppe was a failed battle where more than 5000 Canadian troops were either Captured or killed. The battle was a mistake as the allied forces were outgunned and outnumbered. Many say that this was a lost battle with no meaning, but others say that this battle was what made D-Day so successful. Ranking was 6/8
  • Italian Campain

    Italian Campain
    10th Jul, 1943 to 13th Feb, 1945. During the Italian Campaign, Canadian troops assisted the in the battle of sicily which was captured within 5 weeks.Soon after Italy was invaded by the allies, the occupying Germans started to fight using the mountainous terrain. After this in the year 1944 Canada reinforced its commitment in Italy. These battles in Italy had 92 thousand Canadian troops fighting in it, the end result was 26 thousand casualties, 5300 were Canadian men. Ranking 3/8
  • D-Day

    On June 6th 1944, This battle was known as the turning poing for the allies. The allies launched an attack on beach Normandy. The Beach was clutered with 160 thousand soilders either runing air assaults or running along the shore line. During this Campain Canada was the only one who finished their day 1 objectives. Canada was given their own beach. 3 Canadians won Victorian Crosses. And in total land Canada pushed the farthest. The Battle was finnaly won for the allies. Ranking 1/8