Significance, consequence and impact

  • The Tehran Conference

    The Grand alliance attendant this conference, the main agreements of this meeting were The USA and Britain agreed to open up a second front by invading France in May 1944, and Once Germany was defeated, the USSR was to wage war against Japan. All the presidents got along and Stalin got what he wanted from the superpowers.
  • The Yalta Conference

    the superpowers at this conference were the grand alliance. they agreed on the following matters, Stalin agreed that the Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan after the defeat of Germany, and Berlin would also be divided into the same four zones and Germany would be divided into four zones,American,British, French and Soviet.The main disagreement was that They could not come to an agreement on how much Germany needed to pay in reparations. At the time they were close to each other.
  • The Potsdam Conference

    the same 3 attended this conference to discuss the dividing of Germany and Berlin. they came to a agreement to ban the Nazi party,all Nazis were removed from key positions, and Nazi war
    criminals were tried for their crimes at Nuremberg in 1946. the superpowers were starting to drift but were still good friends.