
Sighnificant Events In Canadian History

  • second battle of ypres

    second battle of ypres
    who; canadian french and british troops.--bad----> germans
    what; the germans attacked with chlorine gas
    where; belgium,ypres
    why; to fight for land.
    this is signifacant to canadas history because this was the first time gas was used as a weapon.
  • us becomes canadas biggest trading partners.

    us becomes canadas biggest trading partners.
    who: united states and canada
    what: foucusing on closer ties with the u.s
    where: canada and u.s
    why: american industries were starting to buy more canadian raw materials, suchs as wood and minerials in 1926 the trades withthe u.s was much greater than the trades with the main trader britan this was signifacant to canada's history because it was cheaper to get it to them and less time consuming.
  • end of child labour!

    end of child labour!
    by 1929 most candian provinces had made it illegal to employ children younger than 14 in factories and mines
    by 1931, 83 per cent of 14-year-olds were in school,up from 63 per cent 20 years earlier.
    families often relied on there children for income especially during the deppression
  • stock market crash!

    stock market crash!
    who: canada and the U.S
    what: the internatinol price of weat reached a record high in july 1929 soon afterward the stock market crashed to all time low.
    where: new york
    why: NYSE collapsed and continued to fall for a whole month.
    this was signifact to canadas history because. it led the the great depression
  • d-day

    who: germany and allied forces
    what: Allied troops rushed French shorelines and Airborne troops dropped behind enemy lines in France attacking German soldiers.
    where: Normandy, France
    why:The D-day invasion occurred in order to put an end to world war 2. It was the largest amphibian assault in history
    why was this important: because it began the end to ww2
  • atomic bomb

    atomic bomb
    who: americans dropped the bomb
    what: During the final stages of World War II in 1945, the Allies of World War II conducted two atomic bombings against the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. These two events are the only use of nuclear weapons in war to date.
    where: hiroshima and nagaski
    why:Hiroshima had a high concentration of troops, military facilities and military factories
    why was this imortant to canadas history: because it was the bomb the ended ww2
  • suez crisis

    suez crisis
    who: egypt, britan
    what:Less than a day after Israel invaded Egypt, Britain and France issued a joint ultimatum to Egypt and Israel, and then began to bomb Cairo
    where: egypt
    why:They attacked Egypt because of Nasser's increasing contacts with the Soviet bloc
    why was this important to canada:Suez was an important event in the Cold War as it tended to overshadow the events in Hungary that occurred in the same year. The Suez Crisis also showed how allies in NATO could fall out
  • the avro arrow cancel

    the avro arrow  cancel
    who: designed and built by Avro Aircraft Limited (Canada)
    what: an advanced, supersonic, twin-engined, all-weather interceptor jet aircraft
    where: Malton, Ontario, Canada
    why: it was to much money to create
    why was this important to canada: because it was the best air plane at the time and noone knew why they destroyed them
  • summit series

    summit series
    who: soviet and canada
    what: the first competition between the Soviet and an NHL-inclusive Canadian national ice hockey teams, an eight-game series held in September 1972. Canada won the series four games to three, with one tie.
    where: russia soviet union
  • september 11

    september 11
    who: U.S
    what: a series of four coordinated suicide attacks upon the United States
    where: new york.
    why: to get attentison