Screenshot 2017 03 20 at 9.58.28 am

Sienna Timeline

  • 40,000 BCE

    40,000 BC First Aboriginals Arrivals

    40,000 BC First Aboriginals Arrivals
    Before time
  • Captain Arthur Phillip sailed to Australia with 11 boats

    Captain Arthur Phillip sailed to Australia with 11 boats
    The First Fleet and over 800 convicts
  • British Navy

    British Navy
    captain Arthur Phillip founds a penal settlement at Sydney
  • The Secret Ballot

    The Secret Ballot
    Australia was the first country that did the secret Ballot
  • Colony of Western Australia established at Perth by Captain James Stirling.

     Colony of Western Australia established at Perth by Captain James Stirling.
    established at Perth by Captain James Stirling.
  • Western Australia

    Western Australia
    Western Australia was found by Captain James Stirling.
  • Period: to

    The first convicts arrived in Western Australia

    Western Australia convict ships
  • The Gold Rush

    The Gold Rush
    Gold is found in lots of locations leading to gold rushes through the years. An influx of chinese people came to Australia influx means a large group of people.
  • Period: to

    Australia host the best Olympics ever

    Australia hots the best olympics to Sydney
  • Sienna`s Birthday

    Sienna`s Birthday
    when i was born!!!!!!!!