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Short Term Goal

  • Step 1

    Step 1
    First I need to apply at a job and get an interview
  • Step 2

    Step 2
    Now that I got the job, I will make sure that I go on time and do good so that I can keep it.
  • Step 3

    Step 3
    I need to plan a budget. I can lay back on makeup and getting my nails done and put that into a savings account.
  • Step 4

    Step 4
    I need to look into car and see what kind of car that I want, see if it's $3,000.
  • Step 5

    Step 5
    Now that I have all of the money, I need to go into the car dealership that has the car that I want and sign all of the papers to get my car.
  • Smart Goal

    Get my first car before I graduate high school
    S: I will be able to pay for a drive my very own car
    M: I will save $3,000
    A: I will save a $150 of my check for my car instead of spending it on things that I don't need
    R: I will be giving up money that I could spend on going out
    T: I will complete this in 10 months.