Blog 12

Long Term Goal - Go to College for Marine Biology

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    Do Advanced Classes

    I will do advanced classes and pushing myself harder, getting into classes that look good on applications. I will do this by using the good studying habit and excelling in the classes I am in present day. I won't push myself into a class I know would be too challenging for me to be in, but also one not too easy.
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    Participate More

    I will participate more in school and my community. I will achieve this by going into programs and clubs revolving around Marine Biology and also do volunteering to pick up trash from beaches and such. I won't throw myself into several clubs and such at first, just to ease myself into it at first and not get overwhelmed.
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    Get Better Grades

    Better than my last semester when this one ends with an A-B average by studying more, making more reminders for homework, and focusing harder.
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    Good Habits for Studying

    I will start developing good habits for studying. I start by studying on the weekends for thirty minutes then keep adding ten minutes every other weekend then start to blend it in with the weekdays and this will be in the span of 28 days.
  • Go to College

    After all this, I will be ready for college and doing Marine Biology classes by 2022.