fill out aplications for jobs
when i fillout my apliaitons for jobs around the i will beable to then get started on my path to sucsess. -
get hired to a job
By being hierd to a job i will the be able to then start makeing money -
checking up on my bank account
By consistanty checking up on my bank account i will then beable sucsessfully keep track of my money. -
order parts for computer
By ordering the parts and spending around 1200 dollars for my computer all i have to do is wait and then build my computer. -
Start saveing up to pay for a car
By saveing up for a car i will beable to have transportation places. -
keep track of my money as i go for my car.
as i save up for the car i will keep updated o how much money i have saved up in the bank. -
spend the money for a car
after saveing up for 3 years i will beable to finaly buy the car i need to get me from place a to place b.