
By qoeods
  • 1185


    In 1185 the rival Taira clan was defeated at sea at the battle of Dan-no-ura by Yoritomos brother Minamoto no Yoshitsune. In 1192 Emperor Go-Toba appoints Yoritomo as shōgun (military leader) with a residence in Kamakura. In 1199 Minamoto no Yoritomo dies. In 1232 a new law code, the Joei code was established in Japan. In 1293 a major tsunami and earthquake hit Sagami bay killing 23 034 people.
  • 1336


    Muromachi period experienced great cultural growth, under the influence of Zen Buddhism. Unique Japanese arts of the tea ceremony, flower arranging and no drama were developed. The sung style of ink painting reached its height.
  • Tokugawa

    During the Tokugawa period social order was frozen and mobility between classes (warriors, farmers, artisans etc) was forbidden. The period was also the rise of a new merchant class and increasing urbanisation.