
By s08620
  • Period: 300 to

    feudal japan

  • 500

    buddhism and confucianism

    In the AD 500's, Buddhism and Confucianism began to influence Shinto.
  • Jan 1, 712


    one of the chief books is called the kojiki. it was made in 712
  • Jan 1, 720

    Nihon Shoki

    The Nihon Shoki is the second chief book, made in 720
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to Dec 31, 1500

    the term shinto came to refer to the whole of kami-related religion

    the term shinto came to refer to the whole of kami-related religion around AD 1400's and AD 1500's.
  • Period: to

    state shinto

    . In the 19th century until the end of World War 2 there was a government sponsored State Shinto.
  • Period: to

    hundreds of new religions became popular in Japan.