Shinji Shūmeikai often abbreviated to "Shumei" was founded by Mihoko Koyama
She founded the organization to spread the teachings of Mokichi Okada (picture above). Mihoko Koyama has no photo available. -
Miho Museum, headquarters of Shinji Shumeikai
Mihoko, sincerely convinced in her faith, she made up her mind to establish a museum to house her collection of ancient tea ceremony objects. Miho Museum, a modern museum with a mystifying history and the headquarters of Shinji Shumeikai. -
The group had more than 300,000 adherents.
Shinji Shūmeikai often abbreviated to "Shumei believes in the pursuit of beauty through art, appreciation of nature and "natural agriculture", a method of food cultivation, they practice johrei, a type of spiritual healing." "Adherents of Shumei believe that, in building architectural masterpieces in remote locations, they are restoring the Earth's balance." -
The successor Mihoko's daughter Hiroko Koyama after being deceased.
This is a religious cult whose members worship MOKICHI OKADA, founder of the church of world messianity and his successor MIHOKO KOYAMA (deceased in 2003) and now its head is MIHOKO's daughter HIROKO KOYAMA.