Shifting Views of America

  • Pat Lyon at the Forge

    Pat Lyon at the Forge
    Pat Lyon at the Forge is a portrait of a businessman and inventor named Patrick Lyon. It was painted by John Neagle during the gilded age. Lyon was very proud blacksmith but wanted the portrait to show him in his work clothes. He was a wealthy man who earned his own wealth through hard work. It is reflective of the late 19th century because it shows even though he was wrongly accused of robbery, when he was younger, he was still able to earn his fortune through hard work and labor.
  • Period: to

    Gilded Age to the Era of Ashcan Artists

  • Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia's Fairmount Park

    Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia's Fairmount Park
    The Centennial Exhibition was held to celebrate America's one hundredth year of Independence. The Centennial Exhibition reflected a growing consumer and leisure culture of the mid-late 19th century (Grauman Wolf, 2017). The exhibition held exhibitions of arts, Manufactures, and Products of the Soil and Mine. It closed down six months after it opened.
  • The Brooklyn Bridge was the first steel-wired suspension bridge in the world. The project went through fires, accidents, and corruption among other things but was seen through to the finish.

    The Brooklyn Bridge was the first steel-wired suspension bridge in the world. The project went through fires, accidents, and corruption among other things but was seen through to the finish.
    The Brooklyn Bridge was designed by John Augustus Roebling, because of his untimely death before construction began his son, Washington A. Roebling took over the construction. Later due to Washington coming down with Caissons Disease his wife Emily had to take over the construction to the end. The Brooklyn Bridge reflected the optimism, sacrifice, and the entrepreneurial spirit of the late 19th century.
  • Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty
    Bartholdi gave the Statue to the United States to represent the independence and the friendship with France during the Gilded Age. It is a significant landmark in the New York Harbor. The Statue of Liberty showed as a welcome sign to the immigrant's coming to America. As well as suffering financial hardship there was alot of criticism because people were having to come out of pocket to pay for the statue.
  • Frederic Remington: Giving the Butt

    Frederic Remington: Giving the Butt
    The editors of Harper's wanted to get wild west expert opinion of what was going on in Chicago so they called upon Frederic Remington. This was Frederic Remington's illustration for the article that he wrote for the Harper's Newspaper on the mob in Chicago. His article was called Chicago under the Mob. The illustration depicted how the Seventh Cavalry charged in to take control of the strikers using the butts of their guns.
  • The Eight (American Artist Group)

    The Eight (American Artist Group)
    The Eight is better known as a group of American artists who only exhibited their works together once. The original artisted included John Sloan, Arthur B Davies, Ernest Lawson, Everett Shinn, George Luks, William J. Glackens, Maurice Prendergast, and the leader of the group was Robert Henri. Later they were joined by George Bellows. Their art portrayed everyday life in their art. They later created a larger group called the Ashcan School.
  • The Masses

    The Masses
    John Sloan became the art designer for a monthly journal called The Masses. It was a monthly journal that focused on arts and politics during the era of Ashcan School. The journal focused on things like freedom of speech, racial equality, free love, birth control, women's suffrage as well as many other progressive positions.
  • References

    Brooklyn Bridge. (2017). Retrieved from http://www.american-
    bridge.htm Briggs, J. (2017). Who Was the Model for the Statue of
    Liberty?. Retrieved from
    statue-liberty-5436539.html Grauman Wolf, S. (2017). Centennial Exhibition (1876). Retrieved
  • References

    John Sloan. (2016). Retrieved from http://spartacus- The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. (2017). The Eight.
    Retrieved from K. Pohl, F. (2012). Framing America A Social History of American Art
    (3rd ed.). Retrieved from